16th Convention - Resources
A page for resources for the various workshops and sessions at the 16th Convention
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Choral Workshop Resources
Deborah Katchko-Gray
Leah Frey-Rabine
Zoe Jacobs
Beny Maissner
Budapest Eruv Map
Choral Workshop Resources
A: Can you hear that song? An Ear Choir led by Cantor Sarah Myerson . Learning interactive songs by ear. All genders and voice types and your creativity is welcome here!
B: Songs Are Bridges led by award-winning Composer Michael Hunter Ochs (learning by ear – some of his award winning and popular songs
C: Traditional Male Voice Synagogue Choir led by Composer and choirmaster Charles Heller. For men only, it will be helpful if you can sight read.) this choir will participate in the synagogue services.
Cantor Deborah Katcho-Gray Resources
Due to family illness, Cantor Debbie is no longer available to attend the Convention but she has made available materials that she would have presented in her session, and or generally for the ECA Kehilla
Cantor Zoe Jacobs - Resources
I'd like to teach my shul to sing
Cantor Beny Maissner - Resources