Voice of the Cantor
When Covid struck, European Cantors did not go silent. Instead, we created the Zoom series 'Voice of the Cantor' which ran for two years over 23 episodes.
Leading cantors, and those they work closely with, from the UK, Europe and North America tackled some of the bigger cantorial issues of our times.
The first series, detailed first below, ran on Zoom from 3rd March to 1st July 2021. Links to the recordings and detail of the sessions are as below

VOC 1-1
Never on a Friday
VOC 1:
Wednesday 3 March 2021
As a curtain-raiser for this innovative programme, we presented internationally renowned cantor and star of the musical theatre, Dudu Fisher, in conversation with the ECA’s Director Alex Klein, exploring his amazing trajectory and how he has managed to balance a career on the bimah and the stage.
Featuring Cantor Dudu Fisher
Moderator Alex Klein
This programme was held in conjunction with the
Cantors Assembly.
You can listen to the podcast of this event here
VOC 1-2
Crossing The Pond
The nusach is the same and the music similar. So, what is different in working on either side of the Atlantic?
Three long-serving cantors who have practised both in the UK and in North America discuss their experiences.

VOC 1-3
Passover In Pandemic
How had we adapted after a year of the modern plague?
Three experienced ministers from UK orthodox communities talk with ECA's Hirsh Cashdan about the special challenges of the pandemic for their communities and how they have negotiated a second 'Passover in Pandemic'.
VOC 1-4
The Challenge of Modern Orthodoxy for the Cantorate
oes the Modern Orthodox agenda leave room for a traditional cantor?
What else should the Chazan be there for in addition to simply developing, leading and interpreting the prayer services?
What are the essential, but complementary roles
of the Rabbi and the Chazan?
And where is all this heading in the significant challenges for the future of the synagogue, and prayer, in shifted circumstances after the Pandemic?